Tuesday, December 18, 2012


          Today in science class I learned about photosynthesis. This is a plants way of getting energy. This energy can then be used for daily functions by the plant. Sun rays are absorbed by plants as energy. 

        To understand how plants absorb energy you have to understand plant cells which are what make up the plant. Each plant cell is like a brick that makes up a plant. Inside of the plant cell there are small organelles that are called chloroplasts. These chloroplasts capture the ray of light's energy. After it is captured other organelles then transform it into consumable energy.

      After it is turned into consumable energy, the plant cell can then take it and use it for it's daily functions such as growing, or releasing oxygen. The process of photosynthesis is important to all living beings because it gives us oxygen to breathe and food to eat.

      Photosynthesis supplies us with food when it gives energy to a plant consuming animal. Soon the animal is turned into meat that we can eat. The food chain takes place; the plant consumes sun rays, animals consume the plant, humans consume the animal, and so the food chain continues.

      When the consumable energy is stored it supports and fuels the process of releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. It will also absorb carbon dioxide that humans breathe out. When carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere air pollution reduces considerably. Plants aren't always regarded as important, but we should know what they do certainly is important. 

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