Wednesday, December 19, 2012


           Joel Osteen once said, "Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life." I found these words to be very true. Today at school I learned about kindness. Kindness isn't determined by who you are or what color you are. It's determined by what kind of person you want yourself to be.

          Good values make good behaviors which influence your character. A person will look for good values in someones character. One of the first things they will look for is kindness. If the person is very kind to others they will most likely turn out positive and cheerful. If a person doesn't show kindness to others you can tell they will turn out rude and uncaring.

           There are many actions that change how people see you. Opening a door for someone, picking up something and returning it to the owner. These little things determine what kind of person you are viewed as. Your words and actions reflect yourself, so if they are kind, you will be known as a better person.

          Be careful though because when the way you're shown is determined it doesn't mean it can't change. You can be a saint one moment and the devil the next. If your words and your actions are not kind, you will be known as an unfriendly person. This will be the opposite of the effect you want.

         As you have seen, many things determine who you are and how you are represented by your kindness. All things can influence you and how you influence others. A thought of kindness is like the sun, it reaches all over. A thought of negativity is like rocks, it will only slow you down and bring no help. So go outside with the sun above you, and hold nothing to you.

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