Monday, December 17, 2012

Dried Fruits

          Today in foods class I learned about dried fruits. Dried fruits are something short of miracles, the reason is because they take out some of the sugars from fruits, making it more nutritious. When drying a fruit you dry out the water and sugar from it, releasing the unhealthy part.

           Drying fruits has been found as a method to release sugars from a fruit but keep most of the original taste. This is why I referred to it as a miracle, because the biggest problem America seems to complain about is Diabetes. Drying fruits is a simple way to avoid Diabetes.

           The reason America doesn't resort to drying  fruits is due to the look of dried fruits. When I see something shriveled up and dry I wouldn't suspect it to be good or even good for me. The saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover" applies, although people don't like to admit it they do judge it by it's cover. This simple fact is why so many people decide to ignore dried fruits in the markets.

           Another reason people avoid dried fruits is their taste. The moisture, water, and softness is lost when dried, this makes the texture leathery, hard, and even less sweetened. I would personally avoid it because it doesn't contain as much sugar as normal fruits. 

          All this was learnt in a half-hour long video, which you might not believe is true, but it is. As I watched it I realized that what the lady had just said was misleading. She stated, " Almost everyone on earth dries fruits, simply because they love the taste" I knew this couldn't be true because me and several other people I knew didn't like the taste of dried fruits.

             It isn't exactly what comes to mind when thinking of a snack for me. I would advise having dried fruits because there are serious health benefits, but if your like me and you have a sweet tooth I would say that it's not the best choice for what your trying to find.

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