Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Future Plan

             My influence on the world would be mostly in medical, but it won't be restricted just to medical.My hobbies will also influence the world, for example making music, or playing a certain sport.
            I will be known as a DJ/soccer star/doctor/author because each will be a thing I become successful in. First to DJ'ing , I will fly out every weekend to some club or other and perform my tracks.Eventually my albums will be produced and become as popular as that of a professional DJ.

            My second hobby that will take place is my soccer playing. On certain days I will fly out to either Madrid or Barcelona for games. Starting in my soccer days I won't be great, but by the end I should be able to win a cup. This would get me even more supporters, especially after winning a cup.

            My lifetime career I will spend most of my focus on is my dream to be a doctor. All week at any time I will be consulting people with rare diseases, finding cures to these diseases, or be discussing the general health of my patients with them. I would become a multitasking doctor, retiring at an old age to start my fourth occupation.

             My fourth and final career-choice is to be an author. This of course would happen later in my life because I would be too busy write books. When I retire from my professions I would start with an autobiography. This book would help to fund the start of a children's series that would become bigger than any Rick Riordan book, bigger than James Patterson, my series,like Harry Potter, would become world-dominating.

            I would be extremely successful when i retired, have 7 or 8 homes, tons of millions of supporters, and the knowledge of a life well spent.

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