Monday, December 10, 2012

World in 2017

            Time changes a lot of our culture including things like technology, fashion, and really the entire world in general. The children of 2017 would always think that we could go to the moon, or have an president be anyone from anywhere, for them these would all be news of the past.
           The people of the future would know that there are 8 continents not 7 because by then there would be an entire floating landmass, made of waste that had nowhere to go. However because people are only human beings they will ignore how bad it is really getting. Even worse than the environment would be the big problem of economy, it would literally be a dog-eat-dog world out there, where large companies would own everything while the poor would be left on the streets without homes or jobs.
           It wouldn't only be all negatives though because the world would also gain technology and medicine that would revolutionize living. Everyone would drive around in Hoverjets, because by then cars wouldn't be fast enough to get where they needed to go. Doctor's would find cures to life threatening diseases such as cancer and be able to cure a person in a matter of minutes. Children wouldn't go to school but get all their lessons online or virtually saving lots of time.
        Education would be much more different in 2017 because by then kids wouldn't have to actually go anywhere for school and never be late to class again. In the future they would have classes sent straight home, as videos of they day's lessons would be uploaded and viewed at any time for review. Colleges would be held the same way and students could only get into a certain college with permission from teachers of that school.
         Jobs would be more frantic because prices of everything would be up and earning money would be gained as well. More and more people would find it harder to save for the future and only very rich areas would be able to use their money to their liking.
        In 2017, a near future, life would have it's ups and it's downs but it would be life on earth that can't be forgotten. As we head slowly towards it we should achieve the ups and change our lifestyles so we steer clear of the downs.

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