Thursday, December 27, 2012

Effect of TV

             The effect of TV on people is very large, it influences many of life's choices. Some of these choices include what we are going to buy, or where we will go for vacation, or even what we wear.  TV can easily showcase your idea to millions of people in moments. It can also bring you a constant stream of entertainment to your house.
            Though it does help advertise products, it can also negatively effect people. Studies have shown that children under the age of four watching television will most probably suffer from an attention disorder. When a small child is subjected to a few hours of television in their lives, their lack of focus slowly decreases as they pay more attention to the screen. Studies have also shown that the constant change of angles in a show causes a person to keep paying attention to the screen, but in turn decreasing their attention to everything else. This has led to more children having attention disorders by the time they start school.

              It doesn't only cause attention problems but it also causes people to get obese. A TV sends a message to your brain every 5 minutes saying that your hungry. So naturally you would get up and start to eat. This message is sent indirectly, and is only received as advertising, but its much more. The problem is you could have eaten a minute earlier but your thinking your hungry, so you'll go and eat some more. Eventually you will turn off the TV, and go and have dinner. This constant amount of food being ingested is to say the least, a big problem.

            America's biggest past time apart from work and sleep is watching TV. If so many people can pay attention to a screen, and not realize their could be consequences, then we have a very big problem. The only way to prevent problems is become aware and counter-act them. I'm not suggesting getting rid of TV's I'm saying we drastically reduce how much we depend on TV's.


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