Wednesday, December 26, 2012


             Socrates was the teacher of some of the most influential philosophers, even so there is not much known about him. Most of the information gathered is from his pupils. Socrates taught Plato who would go on to teach Aristotle. Aristotle would later tutor Alexander the Great, who would become the ruler of one of the largest empires. Socrates studies consisted of logic being questioned, and methods of inquiry being used. Most of the time though, he would use them to find flaws in political figures, and make the sure the public be informed. This would lead political leaders to often doubt whether he was faithful to their leadership. Socrates death took place because he had defied the orders of a new tyrant. He was told to drink a glass of poison hemlock, which numbed his body till his heart stopped. Socrates was one of the leading fathers of philosophy, and is still considered one of the wisest men that ever lived.

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