Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PS4 Ends the Fight

                        Innovation has lead the world to many inventions some for business and some for entertainment, video game consoles have become a large source for entertainment. Sony and Microsoft are the 2 top company's in this field, and both had released new products: Sony's PS4 and Microsoft's Xbox One. After several months on discussion of who would turn out better Sony decided to finish it up. At the Electronic Arts Convention in Los Angeles, Sony released information about it's new console that closed the deal for them. Advantage No. 1- Sharing games will be free unlike Xbox One. Advantage No. 2 -Used games are compatible in this way. Advantage No. 3- Unlike Xbox One an internet connection at all times will NOT be needed in order to work. Advantage No. 4 - It's only $399 which means its already $100 cheaper than Xbox One. Advantage No. 5 - Need I even continue. As I said PS4 has already taken the game from under Microsoft's' nose. Sometimes it take just one battle to win the war.

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