Thursday, January 3, 2013

Self Control

               Self control is linked with success, it leads to development in self-esteem, better social skills, and better emotional stability. Self control is sometimes known as an art all businessmen need. Studies have show that self control can be administered with abstract thinking. An abstract thinker will look at a habit differently, and in turn, solving it differently. Abstract thinking isn't the only way though, the way a person handles a situation is also a key attribute. You can have a great attitude to everything, but that isn't what helps self-control. You need to look at the negatives before-hand so you will be ready for disappointment, and if it doesn't happen you will have a better outcome. When this happens you start to learn to control yourself for any situation, which makes your self-control even better. Self control is a skill everyone can use, and everyone can become successful with. 

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