There are memory competitions held ever year that make its contestants look at about 500-600 cards, then scramble them face down, and then make the contestants rearrange them from memory. How do they do it? Memory palaces, a quick and easy way to remember information and store it in your head. The concept is to build a house with things that help you remember what you need, and as you walk throughout the house the things you see in the rooms will remind you of whats to be remembered. Say for example, you have a speech to do. As you enter the first few lines of the speech are on the doorstep, then as you walk by you see a painting of the next subject to discuss, and as you walk further you see something symbolizing the next topic to discuss. In this manner you can get an effective way of remembering whatever you need. A tip I would advise is having your memory palace be based on an actual building so you remember it better.
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