Thursday, July 18, 2013

Extreme Weather

                       Extreme weather affects everyone and everything around it. It effects humans by forcing them to buy rain jackets or buy flood insurance. This mostly changes in whichever region they are located . Objects are also effected because houses and trees are broken into peaces by tornadoes or floods. These are also things that effect humans because the loose bricks and trunks flying everywhere can be harmful to us. The vital thing to know about extreme weather is : 1) Stay away from windows. 2) Stock up on supplies so you don't have to go outside. 3) Have a safe place in the center of the house where all your family members can stay. Keep either the radio or Tv on, to know when it's safe to go out. 4) Bring pets in beforehand. 5) Avoid using electricity as much as you can, unless it's something vital like the radio, etc. 6) Stay as close to the ground as possible. These tips should prove useful in case you ever have an emergency that includes extreme weather. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Fullham FC sold.

                      English soccer team Fullham FC was sold to Shahid Khan, owner of the Jaguars in the NFL. The English club is the 6th in the Barclay's Premier League to be owned by an american. The others are Man Utd. , Arsenal , Liverpool, Sunderland, and Aston Villa. Shahid Khan, a Pakistani born man, soon became in the top 50 richest people in the US due to a self made business. The final price for the club wasn't disclosed but several british medias rumored it being in the range of $250 million. This development further pursues  the growing wealth of Shahid Khan. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

3D Printed Guns

                      The invention of the 3D printer gave a lot to human kind, for one a  way to print to anything at all in 3 dimensions. This now includes guns. Guns have been printed and tested to show they work, and shockingly they do. This dangerous development means our future could be very scary if 3D printers got into the wrong hands. Still the technology is ahead of its years and everyone ignores the threat that it could possibly pose to humankind. This ignorance means that 3D printed guns are not too far away from becoming something very common in our lives. 3D printing allows us to take science to a new level, the only downside is when do we realize we've gone too far.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Underwater Amazements

                       Deep in the bottom of the ocean there lies species of fish that are new to humankind. These creatures can glow in the darkness of the water. They use bioluminescence  to light up their way much like fireflies. These species can use them as bait, or diversions, or even means of survival against predators that are light sensitive. Some types of creatures use the pulsating lights to hypnotize their prey towards them. Other species blend into their environment by simply touching it similar to chameleon. But this type of octopus takes it a little further it can replicate: texture, brightness , color, and even patterns, making it seemingly impossible to find. The Ocean holds many secrets that we still have yet to discover.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

No. 1 NBA Draft Pick

                      Every sport would be nothing without young talent, the NBA is a good example, and so  the 2013 NBA draft picks have started. For the 2nd time in a matter of three years the Cleveland Cavaliers have gotten the no. 1 draft pick. They made a clear announcement that they chose Anthony Bennett. Now lets get a look at the top draft pick this year. He towers 6 foot 7 inches, playing  formerly as a power forward for UNLV, averaging 15.8 points, 8 rebounds, 1.2 blocks, and a 52.6% shooting rate in average for his 2012-13 season. His ability to adapt to different positions and different situations on the court is known across the land. Coming from Toronto, he is also the first Canadian number 1 draft pick in the NBA. Although the 2013 NBA draft pick seemed pretty unspectacular, him and a few others have given the NBA some capable new players that are ready to learn and change the game of basketball.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Twisted Tower

                Dubai is home to several world records including worlds tallest skyscraper, the longest driver-less transit system, the largest illuminated advertising sign and now the tallest twisted tower. The Cayan Tower has become the newest addition to the record-books. It turns a whole 90 degrees from top to bottom, moving 1.2 degrees each floor. It is 307 meters tall and houses up 495 apartments on a total of 75 floors. However it doesn't come cheap to live here, a 1 bedroom apartment starting price is about $435,000. It's ideal location on Dubai Marina, a man-made port, gives close proximity to several hotpots. Dubai has become one of the most unique places holding many records for it's magnificent creations that only it's innovative minds could think of.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PS4 Ends the Fight

                        Innovation has lead the world to many inventions some for business and some for entertainment, video game consoles have become a large source for entertainment. Sony and Microsoft are the 2 top company's in this field, and both had released new products: Sony's PS4 and Microsoft's Xbox One. After several months on discussion of who would turn out better Sony decided to finish it up. At the Electronic Arts Convention in Los Angeles, Sony released information about it's new console that closed the deal for them. Advantage No. 1- Sharing games will be free unlike Xbox One. Advantage No. 2 -Used games are compatible in this way. Advantage No. 3- Unlike Xbox One an internet connection at all times will NOT be needed in order to work. Advantage No. 4 - It's only $399 which means its already $100 cheaper than Xbox One. Advantage No. 5 - Need I even continue. As I said PS4 has already taken the game from under Microsoft's' nose. Sometimes it take just one battle to win the war.